
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Why shoot in black & white"

People shoot black and white photography for many reasons. It could be because the mood of the photo, distractions of colors, the meaning, or just because the simple old fashion looks the photography wants the viewer to see. Black and white photography pays close attention to the composition, lighting, perspective, and the context of the shot. It stands out more to be black and white.
            I personally prefer color photography, but that doesn’t mean I dislike the black and white. I myself as a beginner photographer I find my pictures more meaningful to be in color. The black and white images in have a lot of placement in this world due to historical meanings. Way back when in the early 1900s when our country entered into wars and all the historical things that occurred to make the United States who we are today are all in black and white. Those photo’s have strong meaning.

My PlayBuddy for the past week :)

R.Adamec :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Food Photogrpahy




"Crackers & Cheese"

"Red Velvet Cake"

"Chicken & Rice"

R. Adamec :)

I thought food photography was really fun and a challenge to achieve. I had a good time with my mom preparing and making foods to photograph. My favorite is the “Red Velvet Cake”. I like that photograph because of the lighting I chose and the brightness of the cake. Every time I look at it I just want a piece. I didn’t realize how important you photograph your food makes it way more attractive to eat.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


 In this Dyptich, I used my friend Al. He was happy one moment and then turn sad when he found out he forgot his homework for school.  
                                           In this dyptich I did a "peek a boo" photoshoot.
In this dyptich, I used my good old pal Shagun. He played two roles. A nerd he once was earlier on in his life to a cool jock, that is really popular in school.
- R.Adamec : ) !