
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

David Hockney Project

My Little Angel :), R. Adamec.
Shelly who is “My Little Angel” loves to take photographs, so she was my best bet for this project. She has no shame and she felt comfortable to be “zoomed in” on the camera. I photographed Shelly as a straight edge view and it was a successful photo shoot.

Tommy "The Cartboy", R.Adamec
Tommy is one of my fellow employees. I was outside on break and came up with this crazy idea to photograph him in a shopping cart. He had fun as much as I did. He didn't have to work for a good 20 minutes as I had to have a steady hand and keep still. 


  1. I really liked the photo on the bottom, the lighting hits the guy perfectly! I also like the way you arranged your photos, they fit together very cleanly.

  2. Excellent subjects! I love that your female is looking off to into the distance somewhere and the edges are not defined. The male is playful and his clothes and prop define his distress over a less then satisfactory job. The color of the female's portrait tho is lacking very much. lighting lighting lighting! The main light was too low. Use a window, or shoot outdoors with a sheet hanging behind even.
